Join Us

You’ll get to learn new rhythms, play different instruments, make new friends, make lots of noise and have loads of FUN every week with the samba community! PLUS you’ll get the opportunity to perform with us, bringing samba-vibes to all sorts of events!

Membership is open to anyone aged 18 years or over, and whether you are an experienced drummer or a complete beginner you are welcome.

If you would like to find out more before committing to becoming a paid-up member why not come along and join us for a trial session? In fact, you can come to two trial sessions before deciding whether you would like to join.

Current (2021/2) membership fees are:

  • 12 Months – £70.00 full price / £60.00 concessions
  • 6 Months – £35.00 full price / £30.00 concessions
  • Trial Sessions – £3.00

(Membership fees are non-refundable. Please note membership fees are under review for 2022/3)

We practice most weeks on Mondays between 7pm and 9pm at ABC Dance Studio, Unit 18, Avenue B, Sneinton Market, NG1 1DU, Nottingham. Please do get in touch before coming along, firstly to check that there is a session (we do take breaks occasionally) and secondly to ensure access (parts of Sneinton Market are locked during the evenings). You can message us using the form below, and we’d love it if you can also briefly let us know how you heard about us.

PLEASE NOTE: Only paid members may perform as part of the band for gigs and other events.